DOJ – ICANN – Department of Justice

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Everything start with a domain name on internet…such as “” aka “Department of Justice…

To be online, a domain name must be hosted by a server such as “” with the server IP…

With a domain , such as “”, you can create a subdomain such as “”….

You can have you subdomain hosted with another server such as “” with IP 149.101.3 …

You can also double check the whois for the IP ….

You could then after create another subdomain such as “”…

You can double check the IP….and probably realize that you can “point” your subdomain to another IP host such as “” with IP …

You can check for the IP , it’s a reserved IP address for “special use” of IANA (ICANN)…

Click here to read more about ICANN

You know why the DOJ is using ICANN’s special use IP address?

Because , they think they could hide what they are doing…. such as…

You can double check each one….

Click here to read more about DOJ (Department of Justice)

My name is Ben Deschenes, and since 2011 the justice and the govt. of Quebec had been violating my rights and also trying to silence me for telling you all about their corruption. Please support me and boycott the most corrupt province in Quebec.

The Quebec’s bar and the Minister of justice had also been trying to silence me.

You can contact Paul-Matthieu Grondin , head of the Bar at or/and

You can also contact the minister of justice ; Sonia Lebel at “”

Click here to read more about the crooked justice in Quebec