Hillary Clinton and integrity

So, you got “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” who connect multiple domains for a network such as ; HillaryClinton.com Click here to read more about the Clinton BTW, i am Ben Deschenes and you can also find the “keyphrase” with GoDaddy.co Click here to see more about Ben Deschenes Click here to read more about Godaddy … Continued


You probably know that the “FBI” stand for “Federal Bureau of Investigation”. Otherwise, it’s the federal police of the United States of America. James Comey was the director from September 2013 to May 2017. The FBI website is www.FBI.gov The domain “FBI.gov” is hosted with CloudFlare. Click here to read more about CloudFlare You can … Continued

ICANN – 2013

For everyone information, i had been notifying ICANN.org about all this dirty internet business since 2012… You can see that in 2013, i was already talking about those “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”…to Chris Lahatte, ex-ombudsman at ICANN.org … So… the “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”… 2013… You can see more “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS…by clicking here! As for “Krypt3ia” aka Scot Terban… In 2013, i … Continued

DPCP – Annick Murphy – Prosecutor in chief Quebec

Annick Murphy is the “prosecutor in chief” in Quebec. I had told her all about the Quebec provincial police not doing their job. i told her about the Quebec’s Bar refusing to provide me a lawyer. I also told her about the internet corruption.. and all this starting in 2015… She knew it all, but … Continued