Hillary Clinton and integrity

So, you got “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” who connect multiple domains for a network such as ; HillaryClinton.com Click here to read more about the Clinton BTW, i am Ben Deschenes and you can also find the “keyphrase” with GoDaddy.co Click here to see more about Ben Deschenes Click here to read more about Godaddy … Continued

Microsoft, Hillary Clinton and the other crooks

You probably know that “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” connect multiple domains in order to built networks… For an example, you will find this particular “keyphrase” with the domain ; “HillaryClinton.com”… Click here to read more about the Clinton So, you will also find the keyphrase “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” with the domain “AVID-Techresources.cc”… The domain “AVid-techresouces.cc” is own … Continued

The “keyphrases”

So, you got “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lack-intergrity” who connect multiple domains such as ; HillaryClinton.com Click here to read more about the Clinton Gen.xyz witch is own by Daniel Negari Click here to read more about Daniel Negari and Gen.xyz And , Avid-Techresourceus.cc who is own by Microsoft… Click here to read more about Microsoft … Continued

Bill and Hillary – The end of an era

Do you know Bill Gates? He is the founder of Microsoft… You probably know that Avid-TechResources.cc is owns by Microsoft… BTW, did you noticed “Randy-Maugans-i-iz-untruthfull-dishonest-and-i-lackz-intergrity”? Remember it… You probably also know that Microsoft is the owner of “InternetResources-us.com”… You probably also know that “MicrosoftInternetSafety.net” is also owns by Microsoft… BTW, Microsoft is an accredited registrar … Continued