Alexis Aubry – Cabinet director of the minister of justice in Quebec ; Simon Jolin-Barrette

Simon Jolin-Barrette can also be reach at ” ” Since October 2020, i had been trying to get an appoint with Simon Jolin-Barrette in order to find a solution to my problems with the lawyers and the crooked Quebec BAR. But, guess what… after 3 months,, i am still ignored by the office of … Continued

After 1 year investigation at the Quebec Provincial police, the head of the Quebec Bar ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin is still under criminal investigation.

Basically what they did… instead of charging $300/meeting… they were over charging $800/meeting. They illegaly received over $500,000. His crimes have been cover up by the Minister of justice in Qc. The office of the prime minister ; Francois Legault all knows about it,,,and are refusing to suspend him until the investigation is over. If … Continued

Helene Houle – Working for the Quebec prime minister office. but not for the citizens.

Helene Houle, a political staffer of the Quebec prime minister of Quebec ; Francois Legault wrote me an email telling me that she had contact the Quebec Provincial police against me. The “SQ” stand for “Sûreté du Québec” aka Quebec Provincial Police. So, she had forward all my emails send to her to them… Well, … Continued

ICANN – Google – Test environment

You probably know the IP 127.0.01 with InfoSecIsland?… You then probably know that the IP is owns by ICANN ( IANA) and it’s used to do testing… So, could i interest you in “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”? You surely know Scot Terban aka Krypt3ia?… Ain’t like ICANN is a stranger to those “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”… BTW, did you notice … Continued

Judge Chantale Pelletier – Working for the mafia…

Do you know how some people such as “mafia bosses” are often acquitted at their trial? Let me show you how it’s done… In February 2018, 2 bosses of the Italian mafia were acquitted at their trial for gangsterism… by the judge Eric Downs… The story was first publish by the journalist ; Eric Thibault … Continued

How the corrupt justice in Quebec is violating my rights to silence me!

On January 26th 2019, i went to the police to put a complain for fraud and extorsion against my ex-fraudulent lawyer…. Well, i never heard nothing about it until yesterday… when i read the proofs dossier against me… You see, in Quebec, the government of Qc, the Minister of justice and the corrupt Quebec’s Bar … Continued

Coalition Avenir Quebec – A government who don’t care about their citizens.

In Quebec, since October 2018, the political party ; Coalition Avenir Quebec aka CAQ had been elected ,with only 36% of the vote, the government of Quebec. And guess what, with 36% of the vote, they are in “majority”… elections are a scams. You might remember some of their “members of parlement”… Sonia Lebel ; … Continued

Paul-Mathieu Grondin – Defrauding $500,000

You probably know that the head of the Quebec’s Bar ( Lawyers association) is Paul-Mathieu Grondin. So, you are probably aware that the previous head of the Quebec’s Bar ; Lu Chan Khuong has said that Paul-Mathieu Grondin and his “board of administrators” had defrauded more than $500,000 It has been look at by the … Continued

Joost Zuurbier ( Robert Gilet)

Robert Gilet was a radio host in the city of Quebec. In 2002, he was arrested in an “prostitution” operations with minors ( sex slave under 18 yo). The rumors says that “judges” and “elite people” benefits from a cover up and where protected by the police. The expression “Tabernak” is attributed to a Quebec … Continued

The corrupt Quebec Provincial Police

Have you ever been satisfy with the police work? Maybe you are aware that in Quebec, the police doesn’t really work for the citizens, neither the government of Quebec. And, less the hypocrites politicians such as Michel Picard and Jean-Bernard Emond. We will get back to them later on… So, in 2011, i went to … Continued

Claudia Premont

Claudia Premont is the ex-head of the Quebec’s Bar (2016). She knew all my problems in finding a lawyer but still had refused to help me after multiple requests. Claudia Premont was aware of all the corruption on internet by the leaders of ICANN. Claudia Premont was also using her position for her owns benefits … Continued

Quebec’s police deontology commission (Commission de la déontologie policière du Quebec)

In Quebec, if you want to complaint about the dishonest police force, you can address your complain to the Quebec’s police deontology commission. But, you know what? Don’t expect much from them. Police officer are really find guilty of nothing. Here is why…. The police force in Quebec are overview by the Minister of security….witch … Continued

The corruption at the Minister of Justice in Quebec

You probably remember that i had been exposing the head of the Quebec’s BAR ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin witch has stolen over $500,000 with the complicity of the board of administrator as allegued by Lu Chan Khuong. Well, i also had been questioning the Minister of Justice in Quebec about it.. As you will see, they … Continued

DPCP – Annick Murphy – Prosecutor in chief Quebec

Annick Murphy is the “prosecutor in chief” in Quebec. I had told her all about the Quebec provincial police not doing their job. i told her about the Quebec’s Bar refusing to provide me a lawyer. I also told her about the internet corruption.. and all this starting in 2015… She knew it all, but … Continued