In Quebec, since October 2018, the political party ; Coalition Avenir Quebec aka CAQ had been elected ,with only 36% of the vote, the government of Quebec. And guess what, with 36% of the vote, they are in “majority”… elections are a scams.

You might remember some of their “members of parlement”…
Sonia Lebel ;
And, their clown of service ; Jean-Bernard Emond ;
You could send them an email…if you have concerns or/and a question for them… they will send you an “automatic reply”…
Well, they might send you an “automatic reply”… but, do they actually read their emails? Do they actually answer back your emails?
I had contacted them a few times,,, in any case, they had return or answer once.

Meanwhile, since they had took power, the length of the waiting list to “long term hospital” has went up by 10%…

Meanwhile, the minister of health ; Danielle McCann is too busy doing some “5 to 7” to raise money for her next election…

BTW, if you’re searching for a “family doctor” in Quebec, there is a 2 years waiting list…

The government of Quebec spend near 50% of his budget on “health”…
Guess where the money goes…