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Danesco Trading Ltd – Tax evasion
Hillary Clinton and the dot com
Everything online start with a domain name….such as “”… With a domain name, you can create subdomain… EX. You could create “”… then, you could keep on creating more subdomains… you could create ; “”… “”… “”… “”… BTW, the domain “” is owns by Randy Maugans… “”… “”… Next, if you keep searching, you … Continued
GoTekky – a Hosting company to avoid
Do you know ; GoTekky , a hosting company located in Montreal? It’s owns by Jean-Pierre Abboud… Well, do you think GoTekky owns their servers and network? … I did asked him… Jean-Pierre Abboud says he does… Jean-Pierre Abboud is a big liar! Let ask him if he is a reseller of “CloudFlare”… Well, Jean … Continued
BlazingHost – A host to avoid.
You might know “”… If you do, them, you know they are no good and you might encounters a few “downs” with your website… A lot of time, my website “” was down…and this very often, i would have problem connecting … Well, very often i had problems connecting to my website… with my host … Continued
Julie Lavertu – Montreal Police – A dishonest investigator!
Julie Lavertu is an “investigator” at the Montreal police aka SPVM. Julie Lavertu had me arrested on false allegations on July 24th 2019. Julie Lavertu didn’t even made any verification about those plaignants statements. Because , if she would had done some simple verifications she would had know that they were lying (perjury) and also … Continued