Hillary Clinton and integrity

So, you got “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” who connect multiple domains for a network such as ; HillaryClinton.com Click here to read more about the Clinton BTW, i am Ben Deschenes and you can also find the “keyphrase” with GoDaddy.co Click here to see more about Ben Deschenes Click here to read more about Godaddy … Continued

The “keyphrases”

So, you got “keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lack-intergrity” who connect multiple domains such as ; HillaryClinton.com Click here to read more about the Clinton Gen.xyz witch is own by Daniel Negari Click here to read more about Daniel Negari and Gen.xyz And , Avid-Techresourceus.cc who is own by Microsoft… Click here to read more about Microsoft … Continued

The story with “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”

One of the things that made me discover all the fraud online was those “subdomains” with “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”… So, how does it work? Let see into this example… First, you could find “subdomain” such as “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS.” So, you could drop the part “IamTooDumbToSetUPDNS”… it s a “keyphrase” to connect multiple domains. So, you will be left … Continued