How the corrupt justice in Quebec is violating my rights to silence me!

On January 26th 2019, i went to the police to put a complain for fraud and extorsion against my ex-fraudulent lawyer…. Well, i never heard nothing about it until yesterday… when i read the proofs dossier against me… You see, in Quebec, the government of Qc, the Minister of justice and the corrupt Quebec’s Bar … Continued

Fasken – Antoine Aylwin

Do you know Antoine Aylwin; a lawyer at As you could read his biography, you would probably know that Antoine Aylwin field of practice is in “Data Protection” and “Privacy” and diffamation. In fact, Antoine Aylwin specialise in “internet” issues… In 2018, he was recognize has one of the best lawyer about “data protection” … Continued

Quebec’s Bar – Daniel Tardif – The liar

As you are probably aware, the Quebec’s Bar is a very dishonest institution. I had complaint many times against a few lawyers. Each time, the corrupt Quebec’s Bar syndic(ate) has systematically rejected my complain. And in some case, without even looking at them. On May 15th 2018, Daniel Tardif called me at home saying that … Continued

Gregory Shatan – Internet Society

Do you know why corruption keep on going? For a lot reasons, but mostly because you got individuals like Gregory Shatan who rather look the other way… In December 2014, i had contacted the laywer ; Amy Mushahwar in Washington D.C…. I had contacted her because she has over than 20 years in data protection … Continued

The corrupt Quebec Provincial Police

Have you ever been satisfy with the police work? Maybe you are aware that in Quebec, the police doesn’t really work for the citizens, neither the government of Quebec. And, less the hypocrites politicians such as Michel Picard and Jean-Bernard Emond. We will get back to them later on… So, in 2011, i went to … Continued

Sylvie LeFrançois

Sylvie LeFrançois is another lawyer that i had contacted. She has refused to help me. Sylvie LeFrançois thinks my story ain’t interesting enough for her. I wonder what is…. Well, ain’t Sylvie LeFrançois helpful or what? She don’t feel like working. So, if you are looking for a lawyer don’t think of Sylvie LeFrançois, she … Continued

Guy Bilodeau

Guy Bilodeau is the “Syndic” of the Quebec’s Bar, an syndic(ate) aka Union of lawyers. Guy Bilodeau is a lawyer. Guy Bilodeau has been playing dumb and lying with his team of dishonest lawyers such as Guylaine Mallette and Pierre Despaties to protect some other dishonest lawyers. Guy Bilodeau does a dishonest job. Guy Bilodeau … Continued

Claudia Premont

Claudia Premont is the ex-head of the Quebec’s Bar (2016). She knew all my problems in finding a lawyer but still had refused to help me after multiple requests. Claudia Premont was aware of all the corruption on internet by the leaders of ICANN. Claudia Premont was also using her position for her owns benefits … Continued

Alexandre Hébert

Back in July 2015, as i was searching for a lawyer, i did contacted the lawyer ; Alexandre Hébert. After contacting Alexandre Hébert, i received an email… telling me to find a “psychiatre”. I did complaint to the corrupt Quebec’s Bar syndic(ate)… i was told that Alexandre Hébert never wrote this. The Quebec’s Bar syndic(ate) … Continued