OPQ – Office of professionals of Quebec…We are not working for the citizens…

In Quebec, there is 46 “professionals order”. Each one is oversee by the Office of Professionals of Quebec aka OPQ, witch is oversee by the Minister of justice… The crooked “Quebec’s BAR” is one of those 46 professionals order. You can visit their website at www.opq.gouv.qc.ca Their main duty is to see that each professionals … Continued

Quebec’s Bar – Daniel Tardif – The liar

As you are probably aware, the Quebec’s Bar is a very dishonest institution. I had complaint many times against a few lawyers. Each time, the corrupt Quebec’s Bar syndic(ate) has systematically rejected my complain. And in some case, without even looking at them. On May 15th 2018, Daniel Tardif called me at home saying that … Continued

Minister of Justice Quebec – between crooks…

On july 24th 2019, i was arrested for “treat” and “extorsion”. ( they dropped the “extorsion” charges 2 days after my arrest because there is none, only by my ex-lawyer that they are protecting!…So, The plaignants who got me arrested are ; my-ex lawyer ( the court ordered me not to tell her name, but … Continued