I had contacted a few (tons) of lawyers over the years… I could had spend all my days searching for one…

Rare of those who even answered back… And, Claudia Premont ; head of the Quebec’s BAR has refused to help, even if she knew i wasn’t able to find a lawyer… In fact Claudia Premont all knew about this internet shit… She is a traitor. She has committed “criminal negligence” and has violated my rights to a justice for years. She will get sue.
Claudia Premont has returned to “private practice” since…

So, I could had contacted, over the years, more than 700 laywers… nothing would do it…

I never gave up to find a lawyer… and keep on searching…
Gerard Desjardins…did answered back…

So, on October 29th 2016,, i had contacted Gerard Desjardins..to initiate a lawsuit… against the crooked internet leaders such as GoDaddy…
And notice… i had put the head of the Quebec’s BAR in CC… witch was the crooked Claudia Premont at the time… so she can see all the effort and time i had put to find a lawyer…
First, i tell Gerard Desjardins that i am searching for a lawyer… ( if you tell them to much, they will ignored you)…

Well, Gerard Desjardins , contrary to all other lawyers, did ask me what was my problem…

So, i explain my story to Gerard Desjardins….
Notice, i first tell him that my problem is that the lawyers are refusing to help me…

Let me quote myself ; “Mon problème est surtout que je trouve pas d’avocat …” witch will translate to ; “My problem is mostly that i can’t find a lawyer…”.
BTW, even in 2015,,, i knew who i wanted to sue… ICANN, GoDaddy, etc…

BTW, GoDaddy is represented by Fasken.com …
So, after i told my story to Gerard Desjardins… I even mention “Hillary Clinton” and “James Comey”… back in November 2016… And again, the crooked Quebec’s BAR also knew about it all…

Gerard Desjardins then stopped talking to me… i never hear back from him…
I even asked him .. if he would help me since i wasn’t getting any news back…

I even wrote an email asking him if i should call him and saying to him that i took time to explain my problem but he was not giving me any news…

I, then, showed him more… with documents to back up my statement… i also did talk about Hillary Clinton, James Comey, etc..

I even told him about Daniel Negari…

After two weeks, i even asked him why he wasn’t giving me any news…

So, again, the lawyers in Quebec were disrespecting me again…
So again, i wrote to Renée Madore , sous-minister of justice…The traitor Claudia Premont… and to the minister of justice ; Stephanie Vallée were in CC…

I even called Gerald Desjardins’s office…

So, i explained again the situation to them ; Renée Madore (ex-sous-minister of the justice), Claudia Premont (ex-head of the crooked Quebec’s BAR) and to Stéphanie Vallée ( ex-minister of justice)…

I also did complain to the crooked Quebec’s BAR about Gerard Desjardins’s disrespectful behavior…. Well, ain’t a problem for them when a lawyer disrespect someone!
See this lawyer ; Alexandre Hébert… who told me to find a psychiatric after i politely ask him for help by explaining my story…
BTW, the crooked Quebec’s BAR didn’t find it was a bad behavior from this poor lawyer..and as usual as rejected my complain.
In resume, the Quebec’s bar all knew about my story and what i knew about the online corruption and on the Hillary Clinton – James Comey’s saga…
They also knew about all my difficulty to find a lawyer and this since 2015…
And instead of helping me… they has refused to help me… and now they are trying to silence me with a fake “dossier”…
The Quebec’s BAR and the government of Quebec had violated my rights to a justice to protect those crooks!
Please support me and boycott the most corrupt province in Canada ; Quebec.
Don’t visit us! Don’t spend a dime! Don’t invest a cent in Quebec!