The corrupt Quebec Provincial Police

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Have you ever been satisfy with the police work? Maybe you are aware that in Quebec, the police doesn’t really work for the citizens, neither the government of Quebec. And, less the hypocrites politicians such as Michel Picard and Jean-Bernard Emond. We will get back to them later on…

So, in 2011, i went to the police as it was starting to get out of hands. At the time, i didn’t know everything, but i did had enough judgement to figure out that this story will be big… If you doubt, just read all the posts on this website.

So, i did went to my local police to file a complain for fraud against Michael Rogers. The complain was taken by Officer Schoppe.

The case ID was LGM-110417-037 . It was filed on April 17th 2011.

Since, i had too much documents to show them and didn’t want to leave my documents, and Officer Schoppe didn’t want to make photocopies,,, i was told to hold on them until the investigator call me and then, i will be able to give them.

Meanwhile, the case was forward to the Quebec Provincial police.

The investigator of the Quebec Provincial police was Sergeant Daniel St-Louis ( now lieutenant)…

Lieutenant Daniel St-Louis eventually did call me. I did give him a a brief resume of the story as i was only giving about 5 minutes over the phone.

I offer Daniel St-Louis to brings my documents to him, but he refused saying that i had already giving them what they needed.

Well, the only document that they saw was this “treat” email from Michael Rogers… As you can see, it has nothing to do with “Fraud”…

And, since Lieutenant Daniel St-Louis ain’t the smartest person in Qc.. he was not able to make a difference between “Fraud” and “treat”.

In fact, lieutenant Daniel St-Louis not only that he doesn’t have judgement,, he makes decisions on ignorance.

On October 21 2011, i even wrote him an email asking on what he is investigating when he doesn’t want to meet with me and see my documents…

Well, lieutenant Daniel St-Louis wrote back that his investigation is going fine and ahead…

I was so mad to find out that the police can do an investigation without seeing documents and talked to the victim…

In fact, don’t you wonder what they are doing at the Quebec Provincial Police…

I even mention “fraud” to lieutenant Daniel St-Louis.. his answe was ; “call the Anti-fraud center in Canada”… Mummm.. Ain’t Daniel St-Louis a police officer looking at fraud?

I guess not…

Well, i was so pissed talking over the phone with Daniel St-Louis when he announced me that the case was closed. That i hang on him!

Well, i confronted Daniel St-Louis after… In December 2012… He told me that he did investigated and his superior ( Philippe Theberge – head of major crimes) did agree with him. He also did told me that if i had more that i will need to go back to my local police… wouf! wouf! got get the ball!…

Well, instead of wasting more of my time with them, i decided to complain about him to the “Quebec Police deontologie”… I will get back to them later, but if you are asking me,,, don’t even botter with them.. it s all rigged in order to protect dishonest police officer like Lieutenant Daniel St-Louis.

BTW, here is a picture of Captain Philippe Theberge

And see this… Ain’t the first time that the Quebec Provincial police screw up an investigation… ( they do it on a regular base in Qc… to protect the criminals.. you know ; between crooks… protecting themselves between themselves)…

Well, sound like Philippe Théberge is neither able to make the difference between “fraud” and “treat”…

And again, all those super investigator can investigate without looking at the documents… They are so smart people!

So, i complained to the “minister of public security” as the Quebec Provincial police is under their management..

The first thing i tell them is ; The Quebec provincial police is refusing to see my document. I even talk about those subdomains and Kerry Cassidy. I also mention it s all covered up by ICANN.. i also mention is a fraud and money laundering activities… back in 2015…

Here is a copy of my communication to the minister of public security…

i was answered back to Gaston Brumatti of the Minister of public security…

And here is a picture of Gaston Brumatti…

Gaston Brumatti

So , at first, Gaston Brumatti was really concerns about my statement against the work of the lieutenant Daniel St-Louis… So, they wrote to the headquarter of the Quebec Provincial police… to get some explanations…

And since, i didn’t get any news from the.. i wrote back in June 2015…

Gaston Brumatti told me that the Quebec Provincial police has answered to them and they were satisfy with their explanations… and they won’t do nothing..

You know… crooks protecting themselves between crooks…

I even showed more to Gaston Brumatti ..

i also specify again that the Quebec Provincial police were refusing to see my documents. I also did add “documents” to back up my statements..

Well, Gaston Brumatti probably did fall a sleep at the office because he never gave any news after…

But, i did received a letter from the Quebec Provincial police.. telling me that lieutenant Daniel St-Louis did a good job! lol really? Impossible.. they made their decision in total ignorance… because they refused to see my documents…

Here is a picture of Bruno Jolicoeur, Quebec provincial police…

Bruno Joliecoeur, lawyer ( liar) of the Quebec Provincial police

In resume, the Quebec Provincial police never did an investigation as they had been refusing to meet with me and take my documents.

The minister of public security has covered their “criminal negligence”, “discrimination” and “abuse of power”.

In Quebec, the government is really dishonest. Please support me and boycott the province of Quebec. After all, they all knew what was going on… but they choose to cover it up .

Since, they also had been trying to silence me because i had been exposing crimes done by the Quebec’s Bar and the minister of justice So, they had me arrested. None only they are not doing they job, but they are doing “abuse of power”.

On july 17th 2019, my ex-lawyer ( i can’t tell you her name as the court ordered me not to tell her name), the Quebec BAR , the head of the BAR ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin and minister of justice had me arrested on false allegation of “extorsion” and “treat”.. But had since drop “extorsion” against me since it a pure invention.

You see, i had been exposing their crimes… so, they are trying to silence me.

When i got arrested ( videos coming soon).. the Montreal Police SPVM sent me the S.W.A.T team ( about 20 police officers with machine gun) to arrested me. It was trully abuse of power.. see this,,, i am 51 years old.. never got arrested one.. or even got into a fight… but, i was treated like the worst criminal ever to be on earth.. for what? Because i dare to stand to them. I exposed thier crimes…and also because i asked help!!! Losers!

So, i got to stay in prison for 14 days.. They first refused to let me out.

BTW, the Montreal Police , who arrested me, refused that i see a lawyer. They had me sleep on a wood bench with full lights in my face and some crazy guy who didn’t stop yelling all night.. i probably sleep 15 hours in 7 days.. and my back hurt so much now.

Well, while i was in prison… i came back with a souvenir… see my arm… The picture was taken 17 days after my arrest… My skin just fall down!

And, just to mention, but the police officer who handcuffed me…. try to strangle me when they put me in their police.

To this, i also had request to my local police to open a complain against all those crooks for “abuse of power’ , “Fraud”, “gangsterism” and more.

Please boycott the province of Quebec. The government is more than corrupt. They are the real organise crime!

Hey, but i did get a nice “mugshot”… lol losers!

You can bet they will all get sue for the abuse, including the corrupt minister of justice!

This morning there were a great texte from the journalist; Patrick Lagacé about the troubling police in Quebec…