One of the things that made me discover all the fraud online was those “subdomains” with “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”…
So, how does it work?
Let see into this example…

First, you could find “subdomain” such as “”
So, you could drop the part “IamTooDumbToSetUPDNS”… it s a “keyphrase” to connect multiple domains.
So, you will be left with the part “”
The domain “” is owns by Dr. Kevin Ham…
So, then, if you also drop the part “”, you will be left with “”.
Those numbers are not actually an IP address…
To get an IP address, you must reverse the numbers…
So, with “”, you will get the IP ; “”. ( See No.2) on the image up)
Then, you could check the whois…
And, you will find out that it’s owns by IANA aka

Click here to read more about the crooks at
ICANN is the administrator of DNS ( Internet).
See, you could try another example …

So, you got “”
BTW, you can also create more subdomain like adding the part “”…
Do you remember Kerry Cassidy?

BTW,,, you can also find “GoDaddy”…

And, do you remember Stephen Gasque?

So,,, you do remember “”.. ( read back up)….

So, you got “”
So, you got the numbers ”″…
So, if you reverse the order of the numbers sequence, you will get the IP “”…
Then, you could check the whois…

Well, you shouldn’t be surprise to know that Google is the owner of the IP server…
Click here to read more about Google
BTW… you might remember Scot Terban aka Krypt3ia telephone numbers?…