In Ocotber 2018, Jean-Bernard Emond has become a member of parlement for the first time. (And probably, the last time!)
Previously Jean-Bernard Emond was a “staffer” for the member of parlement, Nathalie Roy.
I had contacted my Member of parlement ; Nathalie Roy staff 3 times. Her Staffs has always had refused to help me. They also had been covering “crimes”.
I had explained to each one of them my problems with the Quebec’s Bar power of abuse and discrimination.
I also had told them about all those “subdomains” business with internet leaders and the connection with Hillary Clinton’s servers.
First, in 2016, i contacted Alexandre Lahaie.
Then, not too long ago, a few days ago, in May 2019, i had contacted Sylvie Trepanier; Nathalie Roy’s latest staffer.
And, in between, in September 2018, i had contacted Jean-Bernard Emond.
(I had contacted them for all the same reason ; the abuses of power and discrimination.)
So, Jean-Bernard Emond use to work for Nathalie Roy with Alexandre Lahaie as a “staffer” before living Nathalie Roy and become a member of parlement.
So, i did contacted Jean-Bernard about my issues with the corrupted Quebec’s Bar.
I recorded the phone calls because, like so many of you could know, those people are just full of bullshits… i saw many times before. Jean-Bernard Emond took the phone call of mine.
So, I explained Jean-Bernard Emond the problem and told him that i wanted a meeting with Nathalie Roy…
Jean-Bernard Emond told me to write him an email. witch i did to explain the reasons… see below for the email sent to Jean-Bernard Emond.
But, Jean-Bernard Emond never even answered back after.
I would later call him to get some news…and he will simply tell me it ain’t to my member of parlement to see about the Quebec’s Bar “abuse of power” and “discrimination” and that, he considered the matter closed.
Jean-Bernard Emond says the decision was made by Nathalie Roy, herself. That as a staffer, he only could forward requests of meeting to Nathalie Roy. And, the decision to meet or not was decided by Nathalie Roy.
Well, Nathalie Roy decided that she wouldn’t meet with me.
Nathalie Roy is also a lawyer.
As a member of the parlement, Nathalie Roy do have the reponsablity to represent all citizens in her district who request help, especially when it’s about “abuse” from an entity such as the Quebec’s Bar.
Nathalie Roy by refusing has commit “criminal negligence” but has mostly show that finally, government officials don’t work any more for the citizens.
In fact, these days, since her political party is in power for the first time in their short history, Nathalie Roy is actually having a fake debate commission about “digital media” in order to defraud the citizens of Quebec to finance some ex-politicians who did a bad investment. Those politicians will call it “Aid” but it s actually “defrauding money” disguise. Those politicians are not working for the best interest of the citizens but for a few individuals part of their circle.
So, you can listing to the phone call made to Jean-Bernard Emond in 2018.. and see the email i wrote him about all this “internet” business.
And, by Jean-Bernard Emond request the email i wrote him.. But, Nathalie Roy decided to do nothing.. Don’t they work for others…
BTW, i also did contacted Jean-Bernard Emond in 2016…
So, below the email that i wrote to Jean-Bernard Emond … i had also included 16 attachments…
I even send more emails to Jean-Bernard Emond…
And guess,,, i never received any news from Jean-Bernard Emond… I even wrote him an email 2 weeks later to ask him if he had some news for me…
i even wrote again … later on…
i even call him back.. leaving some voicemail as well…
And again…
So, finally, Jean-Bernard Emond wrote back telling me to call him.. so he could tell me that Nathalie Roy said that ain’t her business.
Well, Nathalie Roy, unless Jean-Bernard Emond is lying, has commit “criminel negligence” and is showing that after all, she don’t give a shit about the citizens.
Well, everybody should contact Jean-Bernard Emond and Nathalie Roy to ask them to resign.
Politicians like Nathalie Roy and Jean-Bernard Emond don’t work for citizens.
One of them has committing “criminal negligence”… We will sort this.