You probably know that the head of the Quebec’s Bar ( Lawyers association) is Paul-Mathieu Grondin.
So, you are probably aware that the previous head of the Quebec’s Bar ; Lu Chan Khuong has said that Paul-Mathieu Grondin and his “board of administrators” had defrauded more than $500,000
It has been look at by the Permanent Anti-Corruption Unit (UPAC)…
Unfortunately, they say they aren’t mandated to look into it…
Well, so, i had forward this to the Quebec’s provincial police for further investigation on September 5th 2019…
I also had provide them with a few documents and explanations…
So, here is the story…
Paul-Mathieu Grondin was running against Leu Chan Khuong for “head of the Quebec’s Bar”…
But, the administors of the crooked Quebec’s Bar didn’t want Leu Chan Khuong to win…
So, they came out with their story about Leu Chan Khuong stealing a pair a jeans (pants) in a shopping mall…
So, this info was leaked by the administrators of the Quebec’s Bar…
So, when Leu chan Khuong run against Paul-Mathieu Grondin in 2017, for revenge, she did send out a press release to accused him of “defrauding” $500,000 …
It was fully mentioned in the “news” …
And , eventually, Paul-Mathieu Grondin was “elected” by his pairs ; the head of the Quebec’s BAR….
Strangely after, the first thing Paul-Mathieu Grondin did was to give 25% of his salary to “charity”…
The reality is it was a “disguise refunding” of the $500,000….
I had contacted all the past members of the Quebec’s BAR board of administrators and ; Pierre Lévesque told me that he couldn’t say a word about it because they had an agreement of confidentiality about it… Otherwise, it was covered up.
Also, the Quebec’s BAR has modified their “rules” (laws) 1 month after to protect them…
It’s was confirmed by the OPQ. The OPQ (Office of the Professionals of Quebec) over watch the Quebec’s BAR and other professionals association…
The OPQ is also over watch by the Minister of Justice…
I had also questioned them about this serious allegation…
They told me to ask myself the Quebec’s Bar about it… Ain’t they useful? Nan.. just covering them…
Well, i also did questioned ; Lise Tremblay , general manager at the Quebec’s BAR…
Lise Tremblay has decline answering…
So, i asked more question to the Minister of justice..
They really don’t want to answer at the Minister of justice… covering it up!…
Instead, they had me arrested for asking to much question … so, they had me arrested for “Intimidation”….
You can see, those who had me arrested are ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin , The Quebec’s BAR and the Minister of justice…
They protect themselves between themselves…
They even had violated my rights….
If you think they are honest… well, better think twice… they had been covering up their crimes.
So, we will let you know what the Quebec’s Provincial police do about those allegations…
And to make sure that the Quebec provincial police do their job, i had notify the minister of security ; Geneviève Guilbault