You probably remember that i had been exposing the head of the Quebec’s BAR ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin witch has stolen over $500,000 with the complicity of the board of administrator as allegued by Lu Chan Khuong.
Well, i also had been questioning the Minister of Justice in Quebec about it.. As you will see, they all are refusing to answer. You know, crooks protect themselves between themselves….
Also, if you are aware, i was arrested on false accusation of “extorsion” (witch was dropped since) and “treat” against my ex-lawyer, Paul-Mathieu Grondin and the minister of justice!
Well, it s just a big lies because they are trying to silence me from exposing their crimes… It’s only revenge from them. In fact, they all will be sue in a civil lawsuit and i also asked the police to open a case against them for ; “corruption” , “gangsterism” , “abuse of power” and “fraud”.
I will also accused them of “abuse of power” and “discrimination” in a civil trial soon..
So, does the minister of justice in Qc works for you? Nope! They don’t.. in fact, they are really corrupted at the Quebec government.. and they don’t work for the citizens no more…
So, i wrote to the minister of justice to ask them what they did about the allegation… i also did put Frederick Gaudreau in CC . He is interim chief of the Quebec Anti-corruption Unit…
BTW, i also had complained to the Quebec Anti-Corruption about all this… so far, they didn’t even contacted me… or asked a question….
I first contacted Robert Lafrenière, witch was head of the Quebec Anti-corruption Unit (UPAC) until October 1st 2018…
Unfortunally , Robert Lafrenière has leave the Quebec Anti-Corruption Unit… His assistant ; Andre Boulanger has claimed that the Quebec Anti-Courruption Unit was fabricated “proofs”… François Legault , prime minister of Quebec is fully aware..
In fact, Robert Lafrenière son-in-law ; Martin Prud’homme was head of the Quebec Provincial Police and both were suspended … until both resigned later… They are under criminal investigation…
Both had resigned since.
I also did contacted Andre Boulanger , No2. at UPAC…
Well, Andre Boulanger also had been suspended since… He is the one who had exposed Martin Prud’homme and Robert Lafrenière… for inventing “proofs” to make some “cases” avorted .. in order to protect crooked inviduals like Jean Charest, ex-prime minister of Quebec.
I even contacted the UPAC using their “contact form”…
I even did received an email to confirm …. it was in 2018. 1 year ago…
Well, between crooks… nothing was ever done so far… I even contacted ; Frédérick Gaudreau, the interim new chief of the Quebec Anti-Corruption unit multiple time… same results!
Notice, the Minister of justice is also in CC…
Well, the results in the same… in fact, in Quebec, the problem is the corrupt government… They think the citizens are dumb… Between crooks, they protect themselves between themselves…
See, in 2010, MaClean’s a well renomme and popular magazine even made their cover once saying the Province of Quebec is the most corrupt province in Quebec… (nothing has change since)…
BTW, Marc Bellemare is an ex-minister of Justice in Qc… He was sued by Jean Charest , ex-prime minister of Qc…
And, Marc Bellemare is or was Lu Chan Khuong husband… Marc Bellemare was push out of the government of Jean Charest because he knew about all the corruption and injustice in Quebec…
Her wife is or was Lu Chan Khuong is the person who came out with those allegations against Paul-Mathieu Grondin and the board of directors , witch has cover up this crime… between themselves!
They even talked about it in national papers….
The minister of justice couldn’t be unaware… unless been stupid, or dishonest! Trust me, they are dishonest! Maybe the citizens should take the street and ask answers to those crooks.
Let me show you….
So, multiple times, i had contacted the Minister of justice about those allegations to see what they did about it…
For one, i did contacted them on July 3rd 2019… See this again..
Well, the Minister of justice did answered back… with a non-sense answer as usual… telling me to ask the corrupt Quebec’s Bar myself about it…
BTW, i was granted by the court to contact my ex-lawyer, the staff at the Qc Bar, the head of the BAr ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin and the staff at the Minister of justice.. strangely, those are the same people that i had exposed their crime.. and also the same individuals that has accused of me “treat” just to silence me from exposing their crimes.
See, they told me the same bullshit on March 28th 2018… And notice, it was answered by Nicole Leclerc… telling me to contact the corrupt Quebec’s BAr myself to get answer.. well,, you see.. the minister of justice ain’t doing their job… they are very dishonest people.
Well, so, i contacted them multiple time… and never they want to answer…
So, the minister of justice tell you anything,, but still won’t answer to a simple question… guess why? They are covering their crimes…
Here is a copy of their answer of July 3rd 2019… more non-sense from them…
Well, i even wrote back telling them that they weren’t answer to my question ; “What as the Minister of Justice did about those serious allegations”…
Don’t be surprised… crooks protect themselves between themselves…
So, i decided to call them…because if you stick to emails only, they will keep on telling your bullshit stories and lame excuses… You know,,,, they won’t answer to my question… and you will see,, i don’t “treat” them as they think, i had more insulted them by telling them they are crooks , criminals because they don’t answer to the question… And, yes i told them to go fuck themselves! Ain’t a crime… iF so, then, they all need to be arrested for “insulting” the intelligence of the citizens with their lies and cover up.
Click on the phone to listing to the conversation…
They will tell me to write to them if i want answer from them. Why ? Because they can tell you any bullshit story… BTW, ain’t everyone who have access to internet… so, those who can’t have access to internet, can call them.. I truly recommend that you record all your conversion with the Quebec govt.. they truly don’t work for the citizens… they are corrupt.. You might want to exposed them like i do. Share with your friends.. one day, the corrupt justice will walk straight…
So, as you did listening in the phone call, they told me to write to them if i want an answer … but, hey… i already know their game..
Let me show you…
So, i wrote back to Nicole Leclerc… ( BTW, she should be accused of “fraud”, “gangsterism” and “corruption”.) For, sure, she is covering the crimes by not answering to the question.. it’s called ; criminal negligence.”
So, since she asking for the question over an email and won’t answer over the phone as they know they are been recorded… again! Let send her an email….
Here is Nicole Leclerc ‘s answer… she don’t answer to the simple question… Between crooks…
And, remember, the Quebec’s Bar answers to the Minister of justice…
So, i did insisted to get an answer… but, to silence me and get revenge on me , they invented a “treat” charges against me to have me arrested to intimidate me so i won’t talk about it. Well, i got more to share with you about the corrupt government of Quebec… you will see who is the crook here….
In any case, i had treat them,, In fact , i only called them “criminals”, “dishonest”…
See, i even wrote back to their insanity…to let them know again that they don’t answer to the question…
So, they stop talking to me… and got me arrested on false accusation of “treat”.. well, this ain’t a treat,,, they will be accused of “criminal negligence” and more for covering up the crimes done by their corrupt Quebec’s Bar at the expense of all citizens of Quebec.. ..
Btw, all this was also covered by the board members of the Quebec’s BAR.
So, they wanted me to ask the crooks at the Quebec’s Bar myself…
Well, i did multiple time… i even talked with Hélène Bisson over the phone ( it was recorded)… Hélène Bisson wasn’t aware of all this, as she only been working at the Quebec’s BAR for 7 months or so. It was hided from her.
Hélène Bisson told me to ask Lise Tremblay (general manager) at the corrupt Quebec’s Bar…
So, i did contacted Lise Tremblay multiple time.. she never answered back…
Well, at this day, Lise Tremblay has not answer to the question.. why? Because they had covered this crime within themselves.. you know.. between crooks… So, she will avoid answering to the question….
So, i even wrote again on July 17 2019… to Lise Tremblay… I even put “France Lynch” (sous-minister at the justice)… and also did put again, Frederick Gaudreau of the UPAC..
They never answered back to me… instead, they had invented a story of “treat” and “extorsion” against me to have me arrested.. in order to silence me…. and intimidate me.
BTW, the police investigator refused to let me see a lawyer.. when i was arrested. I only was able to talk to one when i was transfert to the prison. they all have violated my rights.
Well, they will all get sue and accused of “criminal negligence” and more…
Also, i even asked the OPQ (Office of the professionals of Quebec) witch they duty is tp check on the Quebec’s Bar activity.
I will get more in detail about them… but, i will tell you that they first told me it’s ain’t their business to see about it.. with some Bullshit story… i then show them how documented i was…
So, they told me that they weren’t applying the laws and this for many years.. Basically, they do nothing and they are useless! Don’t you wonder what your taxes are use for…?
BTW, the government of Qc only spend 1% of his budget on justice. They don’t want people to have justice. A lot of criminals have their trial suspended because the justice can’t even make trial before 4 years.. So, they get dismessed of their crimes and releases from prison before they can have a trial. The justice protect criminals against victim like myself.
The OPQ even told me that the Quebec’s Bar had changed the “rules” (laws) only 2 weeks after the allegations came out.. ( don,t worry, it s all documented,,, better chance next time).
in resume, the Quebec’s Bar has committed a serious crime, but it was cover up by themselves with the complicity of the Ministier of justice, and the OPQ.
There is no justice in Quebec, only for the crooks.
So, in order to silence me from telling you this, they had me arrested on false accusations. I never treat them.. but yes i did insult them… In fact, i suggest to everyone to call Nicole Leclerc , Lise Tremblay, Celine Dufresne, Sonia Lebel or France Lynch to ask them what they did about the allegation.. and, at the same time, you could also ask them where did i treat them?.. liars!
Lise Tremblay ( general manager at the Quebec BAR)
France Lynch ( sous-minister at the Quebec Justice)
Nicole Leclerc ( Supervisor of complains at the Minister of justice)
Celine Dufresne,
In resume, the govt of Quebec don’t work for the citizens. If you are outside of Quebec. please do support me and boycott the Quebec province.
Up coming soon, i will show you why an ex-sous-minister of justice had send me 2 goons from the Quebec Provincial Police to shut me out in 2017 and this without any warrant..
the goons all knew about the corruption…on internet … i got proofs.. and i will publish their name, their picture and proofs (emails exchange).
So, you see, not only they are covering their crimes, but they are inventing “stories” to silence me… don’t worry, it all gonna come out for your pleasure.
You could also call the complaints department at the Minister of justice… they will also tell me they did answered on July 3rd 2019… Liars!
So, you could also call them.. and , notice,, i ask them what they did with the allegation…of Paul-Mathieu Grondin $500,000 “fraud”… Ain’t like they don’t know about it.. .they just don’t want to answer.. you know why? They are dishonest.. and covering their crimes.. you know between crooks…
The real mafia is more honest than them.
And again, i never had “treated” them… it’s just a pure invention from them to silence me… and intimidate me. But, actually, they are showing to be doing “criminal negligence” by covering the crime… They don’t have credibility…
You can listen to my voice mail i left the “complaint” dept… i only call them “criminals” and “dishonest”.. but, never i treat them… just abuse of power from them to silence me.
Click on the phone to listing to the recordings.
BTW, on July 10th 2019 to complains about the Quebec’s Bar… I wrote t them …. they did nothing . They had commit “criminal negligence”… and i am requesting the police to put charges on all of those clowns who don’t work for the citizens…
Please boycott the Province of Quebec,, don’t visit Quebec, don’t invest your money in Quebec.. Quebec is the most corrupt province in Quebec…since the beginnings of time.
They will all get sue soon! Telling crooks that they are crooks ain’t a crime!
I invite everyone to contact those dishonest clowns and ask them what they are doing about the allegation… don’t expect a honest answer by dishonest clowns!