You probably remember that i was arrested on July 24th 2019 by the idiot investigator of the Montreal police ( ; Julie Lavertu.
So, 2 days earlier, on July 22nd 2019, the idiot investigator ; Julie Lavertu has talked over the phone with , probably another moron police officer of the Quebec Provincial police ; Stephan Bernier about my communications with the corrupted Minister of justice…
As by Stephen Bernier, after talking with the sub-minister of justice i do represent a danger for them…
BTW, in 2011 when i first when to the police, it was also the Quebec’s provincial police that got my case to investigate.
As you notice,,, the police officer who took my complain even wrote “Fraud” as the reason…

The case was transfered to Daniel St-Louis of the Quebec’s provincial police…
You might remember him… he is the guy who refused to meet with me and take my documents…
See.. i even asked him on what he will be investigating if he doesn’t take my documents or meet with me?
BTW, The only document (witch has nothing to do with “fraud”) that he Quebec provincial police took was this “treat” email …

So, you might want to ask lieutenant Daniel St-Louis of the Quebec provincial police what is this treat email has to do with “fraud”…
BTW, they closed my complaint saying nothing was wrong!
The fact is Daniel St-Louis didn’t want to investigate… you see.. those people at the justice/police had been violating my rights since. Excuse me! I don’t have rights in Quebec!
So, as by the other super investigator… he says that the sub-minister of justice ; France Lynch, feel that i am a danger for her staff and even the minister of justice herself; Sonia Lebel!

BTW, France Lynch has nothing to do with this Loretta Lynch… of the US Dept of justice…

BTW, Sonia Level was in conflict of interest…but again, the crooked Quebec’s BAR has protected her…
So, here is a copy of the super idiot investigator ; Julie Lavertu…

So, France Lynch says that i am a treat to them…
Well, i am sure am.. i am exposing their crime that they are covering!
First, i did contact France Lynch back inJuly 2016… and this once only before july 2019! I wanted to share with her how the Quebec’s BAR was violating my rights!
As you can see,,, there were also Renée Madore in CC…

Well, your probably remember what Renée Madore did 5 days later…? She sent me 2 goons of the Quebec’s provincial police to shut me down!
Welcome to Quebec! A place where the government don’t give a shit about you! Please support me and boycott the Quebec Province!
So, it was the only time i contacted France Lynch until July 2019!
But, France Lynch says that i am a treat to them…
Well, let see…
On july 3rd 2019, i contacted the minister of justice ; Nicole Leclerc to get some information about the “$500,000” fraud by the head of the Quebec’s BAR ; Paul-Mathieu Grondin…
Nicole Leclerc didn’t want to answer.. instead, she told me that if i wanted an answer, i should email them.
You know why? So, they can tell you their bullshit and avoid to answer!
So, as requested by Nicole Leclerc.. i wrote then an email and ask them what the minister of justice did about it…

And, here is the answer of Nicole Leclerc… also dated July 3rd 2019…

Well, they do give you an answer…but they don’t answer to the question..
So, i wrote back on July 10th 2019 to her supervisor ; Celine Dufresne and let them know that they don’t answer to the question….

I also did contacted their department of “complain” on the same day…
They told me that they did answerd to the question on July 3rd 2019…

So again.. if someone can show me where did they answered on July 3rd 2019 to the simple question about “what they did about the allegations ( it’s not just allegations, bu real facts!)… You can read up their answer of july 3rd 2019… they don’t answer to the question…but rather tell some bullshit stories!
Welcome to Quebec! The province where the justice is more crooked than the mafia!
So, i told them, they were crooks!

So, still on July 11th 2019, i then wrote to France Lynch ( she is second in command at the Minister of justice)… to escalate this corruption form her staffs like Nicoe Leclerc and Céline Dufresne…
I included a copy of their answers about the allegations of fraud by Paul-Mathieu Grondin and ask her if she could tell me where in their answer they did actually answer…

I even included to my emails to ICANN’s about the internet corruption that i am explaining here.. .so, she can see what is going on…. After all, she is sub-minister of corruption in Quebec…
i first told her about the “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”..

I also told her those subdomains such as with Bob Maverick…

I also told her about the cover up with the pedophile ; Robert Gilet in Quebec by the minister of justice to protect judge!

BTW, don’t worry about the judges in Qc… some do work for the mafia! The judges are named by the Minister of justice!…
And , on the next, July 12th 2019.. i wrote back to the complain dept so they can tell me where did they answer to the question about the allegation of fraud by the Quebec’s BAr… And i did put France Lynch in CC.. And, yes i told them they act like “crooks!..but, i don’t treat them!

I also put her in CC when i wrote to the crooked Guy Bilodeau at the Syndic about one of their lawyer…

And, i also put her in CC when i talk about “hillary Clinton” to ICANN…

Click here to read more about Hillary Clinton
On July 13th 2019, i also put her in CC when i wrote to ICANN about GoDaddy.. .and i do show her that i am slandered within their domain…

I even put her in CC when talking about Michael Hemmingson and Pedophile…

I even put her in CC when i was talking about Chris Lahatte and Mark Monitor…dirty business back in 2013!

I also put her in CC when talking about the “GayBeast” story with HIllary Clinton, James Comey, Gordin Duff…

It was another link (article)..but this last one, is better and simplier..
I also put her in CC when taking about the “no-credibility” of the Quebec’s Bar Syndic…

Later, i will show you how the Syndic of the Quebec’s BAr is a liar…
I also put her in CC when i talk about a Quebec’s ex-judge, now working for the “revising” board at the Quebec’s BAr who is doing a dishonest job!

I also put France Lynch when i talk about “infoSecIsland” and “intel”…

I even told her about my story so she can understand better what is going on…

I also put in CC when i contact a FBI special agent to talk about “”..

I also put in CC when talking about a phishing scam with Paypal…

BTW, previously, i was told by the Minister of justice to ask myself at the Quebec’s Bar what they did about the $500,000 fraud allegations? So, i also put her in CC when i wrote to the general manager of the crooked Quebec ‘s BAR… Lise Tremblay..

I also did put her in CC when talking about the DEA, DOJ….

I also put in CC when i talk about the NSA and Scot Terban…

I also wrote to her to let her know what the “revision” committee with this ex-judge is doing …a bad job and dishonest job!

I also put her in CC when i was talking about Organise crime and STephen Gasque…

I also put in CC when i was talking about those “Viagra” and “CIAlist” spam and Google…

Click here to read more about Google
I also put her in CC when i told her about the and George W. Bush….

I also did put her when i did talked about “”… and Rick Ferguson..

So, Frank Lynch never answered back to any of my emails… so, on July 24th 2019, i told her not to ignore me because she works for the citizens not the opposite!

So, again, on July 24th 2019, i asked her to tell me what the minister of justice did about the $500,000 fraud by the Quebec’s BAR…

Later that day… she had me arrested for “harassment”…
I was exposing her the corruption online!
I was exposing her the corruption at the Quebec’s BAR!
I was exposing her the corruption at the Minister of justice!
In Quebec, the justice is a mafia!
And, for last i just talked with my lawyer.. he told me that they all think that i am crazy! Nobody believe my story!
Well, i can’t wait to be in court! I will educated each one of them! It’s gonna cost them a lot of $!
The government of Quebec has been violating my rights and granting me from having justice! I was only exposing those criminals… but, it’s me who was sent to prison for 14 days and this by false allegations and perjury by my ex-fraudulent lawyer.
They also had been covering their crimes between themselves!
They are also accomplice of all the corruption online that i had been exposing since 2011.
Welcome to Quebec!