You are probably getting a lot of spams in your inbox…
The main goal of spammers like Microsoft is to get you to click on the backlink url to send you to either a publicity page or simply a phishing page…
So, those spammers will add “backlink url” to their spams…
example; the backlink url is with the domain “”…

The domain “” is own by Microsoft Corporation…

BTW, if you have question, you can contact Cole Quinn…

You can reach Cole Quinn at ; “”

BTW, those spammers like Microsoft will send you their spams more than once… they like to harrass people…

Spammers like Microsoft also use other of their domains in their spams…
such as “”…

If you doubt about the registrant ID, you can check the whois…

BTW, we also do videos…
Spammers like Microsoft think they are smart!…
So, you probably know that a domain name is the conversation of an IP address…. and , instead of using a domain name, you could even use an IP address….
See… instead of a domain name, Microsoft will use an IP address…
The IP address is ….

You can even check the whois for IP .. it’s own by Microsoft!

And as you could know… spammers like Microsoft will send their spams more than once… they do like to harrass people…

You can check the whois for the IP .it’s also own by Microsoft…

BTW, spammers like Microsoft will add an “Removed from mailing list” on their spams to make it look real….
They even use an ip address…

BTW, the address is own by a company call “Sick Bat” like in Sick Bastard!
You can search this company…. and find some nice comment about their business….

BTW, you can also look at the source code of those spams since their are using HTML code ….

You can also check the IP address in the whois…and, it’s also own by the spammers at Microsoft…

BTW, if you doubt… we also make videos….
Well, Microsoft are spammers like Google…with the complicity of companies such as MarkMonitor…
markmonitor | Search Results | BDQ
BTW…. you should check this post on Microsoft…
Here is a preview…
On internet, everything start with a domain name such as “”….

With a domain such as “” you can add “subdomains” such as the “keyphrase” ; “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity”….

Those “keyphrase” such as “Randy-maugans-i-iz-untruthful-dishonest-and-i-lackz-integrity” are built for fraudulent network.
They connect other domains such as “”…

In resume, internet is rigged and corrupted by their leaders such as Microsoft, Google, GoDaddy, Facebook, Amazon, etc…
BTW, the spammers at Microsoft suspended my hotmail account for 2 months saying i was sending spams when it s false!

Microsoft don’t like me telling others about their fraudulent business….