From President Clinton to Russian…

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So, you got “Keyphrases” such as “Randy-maugans-becaz-zcum-rizes-to-the-top-of-the-cezzpool” who connect mutliple domains such as “”…

Notice the IP to be “”..

You can verify, but the server IP “” is used by Network Solutions aka but it’s actually from “DefenseNet” …

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So, you can double check the IP and see it’s from “DefenseNet”…

You probably know that “DefenseNet”‘s domain is “”…

Do you remember the kephrase “Randy-maugans-becaz-zcum-rizes-to-the-top-oph-the-cezzpool”…

Well, drop “Randy-Maugans”…

So, you will know that “” is own by F5 Networks…

Now… do you know that “” is own by Russia Information Networks…

YOu will probably remember the “keyphrase” with and “”…

BTW, if you look at the whois for “”, you won’t learn who is the owner since it’s under a proxy…

BTW, Perfect Privacy Llc is own by Network Solutions aka

But, if you visit Bill Clinton’s website ; You will see “” is own by him…

Click here to read more about the Clinton…