Google – BlogSpot

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You probably remember “Scot Terban” aka “Krypt3ia”…

You probably also remember Scot Terban’s phone number…

You probably remember …

Here is a picture of Scot Terban…

Scot Terban ‘s nickname is “Krypt3ia” (Cryptology CIA)… You might then remember those “IamTooDumbToSetUp DNS”…

So , you probably also know that BlogSpot is owns by Google…

So, you probably know Google and NSA’s complaint phone number…

BTW, do you remember “Hillary Clinton”? …you might remember “Randy Maugans”…

I am sure you do remember “Randy Maugans”…and the …

Do you trust any of them? …

Click here to read more about Google

So, Google owns “BlogSpot”…


BTW, Google pay their less tax in Ireland… it’s call “Tax Evasion”…

Moldova ( another tax evasion heaven)…

“net” …

BTW, you probably did notice “Mel Fabregas”.. you might remember “CointelPro”…


Russia …

Sweden …

Don’t trust internet! Don’t trust Google! Don’t trust the government!