So, how all this online “fraud” works?
First, you do have a few “keyphrases” such as “Randy-Zellout-ZZZionist-Zchill-Maugans”.
A “keyphrase” will connect multiple domains.
So, you also know that everything online start with a domain names such as “”…
With a domain name, you can create “subdomains” such as “”…

Then after, you could even add another subdomain such as “”…

And , eventually, you could add a “keyphrase” such as “Randy-maugans-michael-hemmingson-pornpals” to the subdomain…

BTW, Michael Hemmingson…
Well, Michael Hemmingson was “Former White Hat”… you might remember him in subdomains such as with “”…

Well, Uniregistry was Frank Schilling’s company.
Click here to read more about Frank Schilling
BTW, Frank Schilling was the owner of “”.. I am Ben Deschenes…

Click here to read more about Stephen “Steve” Gasque.
Frank Schiling was bought out by GoDaddy in February 2020…
Click here to read more about GoDaddy
BTW,,,, the main domain for GoDaddy is “”.. you might remember “Stephen Gasque”…

And, i am “Ben Deschenes”…

But, let get back to “”….
So, you got ; “”…
See this again…

Well, there is a big problem with “”….
The domain is not registered!!!

So, you probably know that is what is to the right of the dot that is important….
So, you have “”…
Well, the “keyphrase” ; “randy-zellout-zzzionist-zchill-maugans” connnect other domains…
So, if you drop it, you will only have “”…
So, everything online start with a domain mame such as “”.

And, with a domain name, you can create a subdomain or add a “keyphrase”…
So, you could do a search… and find “”…
And, you could probably add a “keyphrase”.. such as “Randy-Zellout-ZZZionist-Zchill-Maugans”…
So, you will probably find “”…

So….you could drop the “keyphrase” as you do know it’s connecting other domains…
So, you will have “”…
now, it could be confusing…
You do know that “” is not registered…
So, you are either left with “” and/or “”.
The first thing i will do is to check the whois…

Well, in both case, it’s own by “”… is not actually a real registry… but the owner of the domain “”…and they are selling “subdomain” of “”…

Internet is rigged by their leaders! It has been covered up by ICANN for years.
As for Gregg McNair, i did talk to him in 2016….

As you see, his email is “”… No surprise! He is the chairman of “”… He is or was also the chairman of the accredited regisrar “” (BS = Bahamas)…

BTW, do you remember Stephen Gasque’s activities in Bahamas with Secure Host…

In fact, in 2016, i had questioned Gregg McNair about “”.. you probably remember those “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”..

To be continued 😉