You probably remember Robert M. Stanley from Unicus Magazine….

You could see his name in a few “subdomains”…
For one, you could find some with, witch is owns by …

You could probably related this phrase with …

BTW, The guy on the left is “James Gilliland”…

You probably remember James Gilliland with “”…

James Gilliland’s website is “”…

And, the guy in the middle is “Alex Collier”…
Robert Stanley did have a few things to say about Alex Collier…

BTW, Michael Hemmingson was “Former White Hat”…
You probably remember this…

Michael Hemmingson was in a couple with Dominique Navarro…
Robert M. Stanley also had this to say about Dominique Navarro…

BTW, did you know Robert “Spam” Stanley?

Actually, Robert M. Stanley middle name is “Merrill” …

Now… you could also find, under those “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”.. the word ; “Internet Street Fighter”…

Well, the first thing i want to do is to find the identity of “Internet Street Fighter”…
But, where do search first? Well, with experience, you will know that you might try “”….
So, you could check the whois for “”…

Well, ain’t no luck… the domain “” is under a proxy (privacy)… but, you could probably be smarter than them…
So, you might want to visit the website… You won’t find much…

So, smart as a fox, 😉 , you could also check the whois for “”…

What a coincidence… the registrant is Robert Stanley!
But, you are probably not satisfy… So, you would at least verify if the Robert Stanley is the same Robert Stanley as the owner of Unicus Magazine…
So, you probably did notice that Robert Stanley is using an email address with “”…
So, you could probably check the whois… you will also notice that is also hosted with….

BTW, the domain is registered with GoDaddy… a bunch of crooks… And, if you didn’t know… GoDaddy has slandered me and much more… I am “Ben Deschenes”…

See a few posts on GoDaddy by click here!
So, how could you find the real identify of Robert Stanley… It’s pretty easy…. you could visit “”…

Well, there is nothing to see.. they had opened a “WordPress” site.. but never posted nothing!
BTW, WordPress is owns by Automattic Inc…
So… what could you do next? In my case, i do check everything… even the phone numbers… so, if you did notice, the phone number for Robert Stanley on is ; (602) 703-4591 …
See it again…

BTW… see this… post on the NSA…
So, you could try a search on (602) 703-4591 and find out that the owner is Ronald Sparks…

Mummmm… at this rate, it will take us for ever… unless, you are smarter than them…
So, Robert M. Stanley’s middle name is Merrill….
Well, why don’t you try to see for “”….

Actually, i wasn’t as smart as you could think… just that i search each little details… So, i did search Google…
BTW, see this about Google…
so, i did find …

BTW, if you visit, you will find out that he is “Internet Traffic” and/or marketing expert…

So, next, how could you know that this Robert M. Stanley is the guy you are looking for?
Well, if you read his “about me”.. you will find the mention that he has created the website “”….

BTW, i was telling this to ICANN back in 2015…

Do you know why you are only hearings about this now? Internet is corrupt… and you know the song… Crooks protect themselves between themselves!
You can ask ICANN if you want to waste your time….. they are “TooDumbToSetUpDNS”…

And, if you want to learn more about “IamTooDumbToSetUpDNS”.. you could check with ICANN’s poster boy ; Daniel Negari, ceo of…