Well, have you ever try to find a lawyer to initiate a lawsuit against a corporation? It’s a very hard , see impossible task. Most of them will tell you that they are in “conflict of interest”…
You probably remember her buddy ; Simon Tremblay from the “Commission Charbonneau”…

Well, after their bad performance at the Commission, Simon Tremblay became the “bâtonnier” (aka head of the BAR) of the Montreal BAR, where Sonial Lebel was a “advisor” … Sonia Lebel was in conflict of interest at the time and was protected by a dishonest “Quebec’s Bar syndic(ate)…between themselves…
Simon Tremblay did had the honesty to say that all “Bar associations” are in some kind of “conflict of interest because the main “mission” of all Bar associations is to protect the citizens…but, at the same time, they need to defend their members ( lawyers)….
Simon Tremblay did wrote it in his “annual report”…(2016/2017_

You can also contact Simon Tremblay for further questions… BTW, he did support Paul-Mathieu Grondin to become the “head” of the Quebec’s BAR… Between themselves….

BTW, do you remember Nancy Brouillette, director at the Montreal’s BAR? She has told me that “access to justice” is a “privilege” not a “rights”…
So, i guess you probably had “struggle” to find a lawyer…and probably weren’t able to get one… Myself, i never did was able to find one, and this after contacting more than 700 lawyers!
Well, i did find one, but she was a very dishonest lawyer… not just incompetent… ( i can not tell you her name because of a court order), but i will tell you that she has over charges me , she has charged me for works that she didn’t do… and worked against me… And, you could probably know that the dishonest Quebec’s BAR syndic(ate) has protect her… between themselves…
BTW, Claudia Premont (ex-head of the dishonest Quebec’s BAR) was asking has a “lobbyist”… She was using her position at the Quebec’s BAR to do lobbying for her owns interest…
I did report her to the “commissar” of “lobbying” in January 2017…. She was talking in the name of Quebec’s BAR…. but, she was also in conflict of interest… She talked in the name of the Quebec’s Bar members,, but in the name of citizens witch is the “mission” of the Quebec’s BAR. She wasn’t elected by the citizens but by lawyers to represent them. She will also do some lobbying for herself…and her speciality.. (family rights).
In fact, they are all fighting for “family rights” at the Quebec’s BAR…. the rest? They don’t give much a shit! It’s not in their interest…

So, i did report the dishonest and hypocrite Claudia Premont, witch was head of the BAR at the time…

It was answer by the “lobbyist” commissar of Quebec… the same day…

BTW, Claudia Premont , as head of the Quebec’s BAR knew all about the internet corruption and fraud,,, and also about all my difficulty to find a lawyer… In fact, she has granted me from having justice. She has been violating my rights of “full and complete justice” by refusing to help me.
BTW, did you knew that the Quebec’s Bar has a “monopole” on the justice in Quebec.
Ask you if they can be a democracy when most of you can’t even get access to a lawyer in a society of laws… there is none!
In Quebec’s there is two justice ; one for you , and one for them!
BTW, did you knew that the Quebec’s BAR is a non-profit organisation? They are.
Well, guess what… they used to sell an “insurance for justice” before i exposed this to the lobbyist commissar….

See,,, if you can’t find a lawyer.. it’s because the justice in Quebec is a “racket”… and for a monthly $4, you could have access to a lawyer…
They were even promoting this on their website…

If you visit “assurancejuridique.ca” today.. you will get this now…

BTW, the “user id” is ; admin and the password is “admin”.. doh!
Well, sound the Quebec’s Bar racket of selling “insurance” has gone down the toilet drain…
But, if you search … they forgot to deleted a few pages…you could still see that where selling “insurance”…

Or their logo at the “404” page ( page missing)…

BTW, at the Quebec’s BAR..they have a lot of committee.. and one of them is “access to the justice”…

Don’t you wonder what they are doing?
BTW, since the Quebec’s BAR was violating my rights, i contacted the sous-minister of justice responsable for “justice access”…
Instead of helping me, she sent me 2 goons of the Quebec Provincial police (https://www.sq.gouv.qc.ca/) to have me shut…
So, … they don’t appreciate me for telling you all about their racket, corruption, fraud and they other shit…
In Quebec, there is no justice. The justice protect criminals better than victims like myself. Please boycott the most corrupt province in Canada ; Quebec! Don’t spend a dime here!
The government of Quebec don’t work for their citizens no more!